Pleural Effusion vs Pulmonary Edema

On this page we will discuss the difference between pulmonary edema and pleural effusion. Please note that edema or oedema refers to same thing, both spellings can be used.

First lets see what both of them are separately and then we will see their specific differences.

Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion means fluid in pleural space. Pleural space is the space between parietal pleura and visceral pleura.

Which means it is not inside the lung parenchyma.

Pleural effusion can be an exudate and a transudate.

Costo-phrenic angle in Pleural Effusion

On erect chest X-ray, costo-phrenic angle is blunted out in case of pleural effusion. Sometimes when the effusion is less, only posterior angle might be obliterated, visible in lateral chest x-ray in erect position.

pleural effusion chest xray

Causes of Pleural Effusion

Most common causes of pleural effusion are:

  • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  • Malignancy
  • Para-pneumonic effusions

Less common causes of pleural effusion are:

  • Autoimmune disorders (e.g. Rheumatoid)
  • Post-myocardial infarct syndrome
  • Post-coronary artery bypass
  • Asbestosis related effusion
  • Pancreatitis
  • Drugs

Types of Pleural Effusion

There are two types of pleural effusion:

  • Transudate
  • Exudate

Transudative pleural effusion means that the fluid leaking into the pleural space is not due to vessel damage.

Meaning that the fluid leakage is due to either or both of these mainly:

  • Increased hydrostatic pressure in the blood vessels
  • Decreased oncotic pressure.

Exudative pleural effusion means that the fluid is coming out of the blood vessel due to the damage to the vessel itself. This can be due to:

  • Blockage in the blood vessels
  • Blockage in the lymphatic vessels
  • Infection in that region
  • Injury to the lung
  • Tumors

Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary edema refers to fluid accumulation inside the lung parenchyma or interstitial space of the lungs.

Which means it is not in the pleural space.

Costo-phrenic angle in Pulmonary Edema

In pulmonary edema, the cp angle might be clearly visible on erect chest x-ray. It can be obliterated when the opacity of lung parenchyma causes haziness in the costophrenic angle region or in other complications. However blunting of costo-phrenic angle is usually caused by and associated with pleural effusion.

pulmonary edema chest xray

Causes of Pulmonary Edema

Some of the common causes of pulmonary edema are as follows:

  • Most common cause of pulmonary edema is left ventricular failure (LVF, failure of left side of the heart)
  • Dysrhythmia
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH, hypertrophy / increase in size of left side of the heart)
  • Cardiomyopathy (issue with the muscles of the heart)
  • Left ventricular volume overload
  • Myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack)
  • Left ventricular outflow obstruction

There can be non-cardiogenic causes too, including anything that causes damage to the lung parenchyma or alters the oncotic and hydrostatic pressure in the lungs blood vessels. Such as:

  • Infections
  • Trauma
  • Inflammation
  • Aspiration syndromes
  • Hemodynamic instability
  • Immunologic diseases
  • Drugs
  • Pancreatitis
  • Inspired gases or toxins
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Haematological diseases (for example DIC – disseminated intravascular coagulation)
  • Neurological diseases
  • Obstetric diseases
  • Radiations
  • Ventilator induced lung injury

Difference between pulmonary edema & pleural effusion

Pleural EffusionPulmonary Edema
Location of fluidBetween visceral and parietal layers of pleuraWithin the lung parenchyma (alveoli)
DyspneaDue to restriction in lung expansionDue to poor gas exchange due to fluid in alveoli
Ultrasound findingsQuad sign
Sinusoid sign
B lines
X-Ray costo-phrenic/cp angleObliteratedNot necessarily obliterated

Can Pulmonary Edema & Pleural Effusion occur simultaneously?

Yes. pleural effusion & pulmonary edema can happen together in certain patients.

Most Common medical associations

Note: this post is not finalized yet, can have errors.

DOC = drug of choice.

Most common congenital heart disease is

VSD – Ventricular Septal Defect

Most common cyanotic heart disease is

TTF – Tetralogy of fallot

Most common cardiac abnormality in premature child birth is

Patent ductus arteriosus. DOC: indomethacin (or ibuprofen)

Most common cause of sub acute bacterial endocarditis

Streptococcus Viridans. DOC: penicillin or ceftriaxone

Most common cause of acute endocarditis (especially in i/v drug abusers)

Staphylococcus Aureus. DOC: vancomycin and ceftriaxone (until causative organism is identified)

Most common lobe involved in prostate cancer

Posterior lobe of prostate

Most common carcinoma of oropharynx

Squamous cell carcinoma

Most common site of entrapment of inhaled foreign body

Right main bronchus

Most common cause of pneumonia in HIV patients

Pneumocystis Carinii

Most common cause of meningitis in neonates (up to 28 days after birth)

Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae). Drug of choice: Penicillin G.

Most common cause of meningitis till end of teenage (1 months to 20 years) is

Meningiococcal (Neisseria meningitidis)

Most common cause of meningitis in adults (above 20)

Streptococcus pneumonia. Drug of choice: Penicillin. However selected third-generation cephalosporins (ie, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone) are the beta-lactams in emperic treatment too.

Most common hospital acquired meningitis

coagulase-negative staphylococci, Acinetobacter species, and Staphylococcus aureus (needs citation – not verified)

Most common cause of meningitis in HIV patients

Cryptococcus Neoformans

Most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease


Most common cause of Uterine tube abscess


PeriAortic, ParaAortic, ParaCaval & Lumbar Lymph nodes

Peri Aortic lymph nodes are also called Lumbar Lymph nodes.

The PeriAortic or Lumbar lymphnodes contain:

  • ParaAortic lymph nodes
  • ParaCaval lymph nodes

Lymphatic drainage of gonads

Gonads include both testes and ovaries.

Please read the following statements to understand the concept of lymphatic drainage of gonads.

  • Gonads drain into PeriAortic Lymph nodes
  • Gonads drain into lumbar lymph nodes
  • Left gonads (testes & ovaries) drain into ParaAortic (note, not periaortic, paraAortic is also part of peri aortic) lymph nodes
  • Right gonads (testes and ovaries) drain into ParaCaval lymph nodes (caval refers to inferior venacava)
  • The right (paracaval) and left (paraaortic) lymph nodes and lymphatic system anastomoses alot, so infection or metastasis in one can reach the other too

ParaAortic lymph nodes

Left lumbar or ParaAortic lymph nodes contain:

  • Lateral aortic lymph nodes
  • Preaortic lymph nodes
  • Postaortic lymph nodes
  • Intermediate lumbar lymph nodes

ParaCaval lymph nodes

Right lumbar or ParaCaval lymph nodes contain:

  • Lateral caval lymph nodes
  • Precaval lymph nodes
  • Postcaval lymph nodes

Functional vs True End Arteries

What are End Arteries

An end artery is also called terminal artery. End arteries are those vessels that are the only effective blood supply to any tissue (or part of tissue). Which means, that if an end artery is blocked or damaged, the blood supply to that tissue or organ is compromised as there is no effective collateral to provide blood through any other channel.

True End Arteries

True end artery is that artery which has no anatomical collateral or anastomosis with any other blood vessel in that region. In short, pre-capillary anastomosis does not exist. So if the true end artery is ligated, there is no overlap in the are of blood supply to the effected tissue area and it may die or develop necrosis.

For example, retinal artery: central artery of retina, is a true end artery. Branches of opthalmic artery are also true end arteries.

Functional End Arteries

Functional end artery may have anastomosis with any other vessel in that area, but that anastomosis is not effective. That means, if the functional end artery is compromised due to damage or thrombus, the collateral or anastomosis blood supply is not sufficient to keep the tissue viable and tissue damage occurs due to lack of blood, oxygen and nutrients.

In short, pre-capillary anastomosis does exist, but is ineffective.

Examples of functional end arteries include blood vessels that supply blood to brain, kidney, heart, lungs, spleen, liver and intestines.

true end artery vs functional end artery

Difference between True & functional End Arteries

So based on above discussion, the difference between functional and true end arteries can be summarized in this table:

True End ArteryFunctional End Artery
Pre-capillary AnastomosisNoYes
Difference between true & functional terminal arteries

Examples of True & functional end arteries

Note that both types of arteries are examples of “terminal artery” or “end artery”. Lets divide the examples into relevant category:

Examples of True End Arteries:

  • Central Retinal Artery
  • Branches of Opthalmic artery (reference: snell anatomy 9th edition)
    • Trochlear
    • Ciliary
    • Lacrimal
    • Muscular

Examples of Functional End Arteries include blood vessels supplying:

  • Heart (reference: snell anatomy 9th edition)
  • Brain
  • Kidney
  • Lungs
  • Spleen
  • Liver
  • Intestines

What to do when asked about End Arteries only?

What to do when in exam, the question asks about end arteries only, without mentioning functional or true? Well in that case, choose the option that has true end artery mentioned in it.

For example, the examiner may ask which organs are supplied by end arteries? And the options might contain only one organ supplied by true end artery, while others supplied by functional end arteries, choose the one that’s supplied by true end artery.

Note that the examiner can also ask: which organs are supplied by terminal artery? The answer remains the same.

Why coronary arteries are called functional end arteries?

This question usually confuses the students. Coronary arteries are distinct and have their regions demarcated. However, they do anastomose. Even if the anastomosis is not efficient and occlusion of an artery will result in myocardial infarction, but it does exist. That’s why coronary arteries are categorised as functional end artery, not true.

Please let us know if there is any question or correction (with reference) to this post.

Covid-19 High Risk group

Corona virus disease, covid-19, is a global pandemic happening right now. The data related to disease is getting mature day by day and our understanding of the disease is improving.

As of today, people with low risk are relatively safe with very low mortality rate from coronavirus infection. In fact 80 percent of low risk group patients may have only mild symptoms or have no symptoms at all.

However patients in high risk group, are well, at high risk.

Please note one thing, everyone is at risk for getting the virus into their body. However this post discusses about those people who are at higher risk of getting the disease and its complications, and possibly higher risk of death, as a result of covid-19.

High Risk patients for Covid-19

High risk patients not only have higher rate of symptoms, but also higher mortality rate due to covid-19.

People at higher risk of developing symptoms and getting complications from covid-19 include:

  • Elderly patients: 60 years or above are at very high risk. 40 and above are also at risk though but the risk jumps dramatically with 60 plus
  • Patients with pre-existing diseases: like:
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Or any other heart or lungs disease
  • Smokers
  • Health care workers
  • Or anyone who deals with public regularly, especially in close contact

High risk patients should self quarantine

It is recommended for high risk patients to self quarantine, even if they don’t have the symptoms of disease.

This is because they are at higher risk of developing severe disease once they get it.

Self quarantine should especially be ensured if anyone in your surrounding has covid-19. Obviously that person should quarantine themselves too, but the high risk group individuals around him or her should also be careful and protect themselves.

What is meant by Self Quarantine?

Self quarantine means that isolate yourself from the community and avoid any physical interaction, including shaking hands, with others.

Also keeping medicines and groceries supplies for at least a month so that they don’t have to go to market regularly for that.

Patients on regular medication should keep medical supplies and medicines of at least a month with them for sure. However those patients who don’t have regular need for medication, like asthmatics, they should also have the emergency medications including inhalers of bronchodilators, nebulisation medicines, etc. available with them for dealing with any emergency.

Steps to decrease risk of COVID-19

These steps should be taken by anyone who has covid in their community, however those at high risk should follow them more.

  • Social distancing. Minimise contact with general public. Only contact with other people or go out when absolutely necessary, when benefit outweighs the risk.
  • Wash your hands. Use gloves when you’re in risky environment. Also do wash your hands when you return from such environment. Also wash your hands before eating anything.
  • Avoid touching your face. Avoid touching your face uselessly. Especially mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Avoid physical contact. When in public, avoid shaking hands, hugging or making any unnecessary physical contact with individuals around you.

Diagnosing CoronaVirus Covid-19 – CT scan vs RT-PCR

Gold standard for diagnosing coronavirus covid-19 infection

The gold standard test for diagnosing coronavirus infection is RT-PCR (Reverse transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction) test.

However there is a problem with it. Current data suggests that RT-PCR is sensitive for around 30-70% of cases only in acute infection. Which means we can have a 70% false negative with it.

In simple words, if we test 10 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, 7 of those confirmed covid-19 cases can get negative results from RT-PCR test. Which makes it practically unreliable.

This can be due to several reasons, including that in acute phase of covid-19, there is not much virus in the blood to be detected by this lab technique. It can also be due to poor laboratory techniques in non-standardised hospital and labs setups around the globe.

Chest CT is more reliable than RT-PCR in diagnosing Covid-19 currently

Around 95% of cases can be screened more accurately using chest ct findings for coronavirus infection, which makes it more reliable than current gold standard technique of RT-PCR.

Chest CT can thus be used especially in setups where laboratory techniques are not efficient or kits are not readily available and result in long wait times for RT-PCR test results.

Chest X-Ray findings vs Chest CT in Covid-19

When someone acquires flu like symptoms or symptoms related to coronavirus infection, they get chest x-ray in most setups as an initial checkup.

covid-19 ground glass opacities chest ct scan and xray

Chest X-ray findings in Covid-19

On chest xray, a covid-19 patient would likely show Ground Glass Opacities. Which means that some portion of their lungs will have a hazy grey opacity instead of normal appearance.

Chest CT scan findings in Covid-19

Chest CT will also show ground glass opacities.

Are chest xray sensitive to covid-19?

No. Chest x-ray are not very sensitive to coronavirus infection and thus are not a reliable diagnostic or screening tool for coronavirus patients.

Thus patients with high suspicion of covid-19 should get a chest ct-scan, even if their initial chest xray was negative for any ground glass opacities or signs of coronavirus infection.

What is the cause of ground glass opacities in covid-19?

Ground glass opacities represent the fluid accumulation in alveoli, the air sacs in lungs.

As the infection progresses and becomes more severe, more lobes of the lungs will get damaged and show such opacities on chest x-ray and ct scan. However it can also progress to solid white opacities or consolidations.

covid 19 solid white consolidations

Crazy Paving Pattern

However in much later stages and as a result of continuous damage, the interstitial space gets swelled along the walls of lobules of the lungs. This results in much thicker walls, which appear as thick white lines in front of the white background of ground glass appearance.

covid 19 chest ct findings, ground glass opacities, consolidations, crazy paving patterns

Note that these findings in chest ct scan of covid 19 patient can be isolated or in combination with each other. While ground glass opacities are mostly the first sign, and is then followed by any one or both of the other two findings shown in image above.

These findings usually occur in both lungs and in multiple lobes. Most likely the peripheral or outermost part of the lungs get damaged more often than the other parts.

Can CT scan finding be seen in one lobe only?

Yes. In mild cases of recovering cases, the finding may be isolated and appear in only one lobe of the lungs too.

Chest CT scan findings proportion to covid-19 severity

The disease severity is proportional to the lungs findings in chest ct scan of a coronavirus infection patient.

Thus it can also be used as a prognostic test in covid 19 patients, however x-rays exposure should be kept to minimum.

Chest CT findings Absent in Covid-19

We commonly do not see these findings in coronavirus patients’ ct scan:

  • Pleural effusion – fluid collected in pleural space outside the lungs, more common in bacterial pneumonia or CCF (congestive cardiac failure)
  • Enlarged mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes (in center part of the chest cavity) – commonly seen in other types of penumonia
  • Cavities in lungs – usually seen in bacterial or fungal pneumonia, as a result of lung tissue necrosis resulting in air filled cavities

Covid-19 CT scan findings can be seen in other diseases

It’s also important to note that the ct-scan findings of covid-19 can also be seen in other types of viral pneumonias. For example influenze and adenovirus.

Also note that these findings can be seen in non-infectious diseases of the lungs too.

Chest CT is sensitive or specific for Covid-19?

Chest CT is sensitive to Covid-19. However it is not specific to coronavirus infection as the findings of covid-19 can also be seen in some other disease conditions.

Thus anyone who gets chest ct-scan done for coronavirus infection, should also get detailed history and other tests done for a confirmation to help identify the cause of the disease.

Role of CT scan in different severity & prevalence of covid-19

Patients with mild symptoms or asymptomatic ones, might have a 50% sensitivity from chest CT and get a negative chest ct, however they might get a positive RT-PCR.

Also chest CT is not a good screening tool for areas with very low prevalence of coronavirus, as findings might be due to other causes and infections in that area too.

However in areas where covid-19 is highly prevalent, if a patient gets acutely ill and is symptomatic, then chest CT scan is a more reliable tool for screening. Patients showing ct scan findings in areas of outbreak should be considered a presumptive covid-19 case, even if their initial RT-PCR is negative.

chest ct findings in covid 19 vs prevalence graph


RT-PCR test is the gold standard test for coronavirus infection screening. However the test is currently evolving and adapting, and during this phase it’s not accurate or reliable in many cases. In those cases, CT scan can be more sensitive, especially in regions where prevalence of covid-19 is high.

CoronaVirus Covid-19 Frequently asked questions

This page lists some of the frequently asked questions related to coronavirus disease (covid-19), answered by medical doctors.

Please add more queries that you have through comments or our facebook page:

Is there any treatment for Coronavirus covid-19?

Unfortunately No. The treatment for now is only supportive. But this doesn’t mean that once you get coronavirus you will not have any medicines to help you get rid of it. The supportive medicines help you fight the disease by dealing with the symptoms it produces and also by improving your immune system, so that it can fight against the corona virus itself in a strong way.

Some medical setups in countries around the world are using certain medicines like chloroquine, ritonavir and remdesvir, which help fight the infection too. However they are not confirmed as definitive treatment of coronavirus infection yet.

Is there any vaccine of coronavirus developed or coming soon?

Certain firms have announced development of vaccine against coronavirus infection. However they are all in testing and trial phase currently.

However we are optimistic that a vaccine will soon be released. Please note, it won’t be very soon though and may take many months to reach the market.

What are the risk factors for CoronaVirus infection Covid-19?

World health organization (WHO) has declared covid-19 as a global pandemic. Thus anyone can get infected from it. However there are certain individuals who are at higher risk of developing the disease and need more care to help them recover once they get the infection. If left untreated, the disease can result in relatively higher percentage death rate in this high risk group.

Risk factors for Covid-19 include:

  • Recent travel history to any country where the virus is prevalent
  • Patients above 40 years of age. However 60 and above are at higher risk
  • History of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension
  • History of respiratory diseases
  • Smokers

If you’re in the high risk group, and develop any symptoms related to respiratory system then you should immediately get checked for possible coronavirus infection.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

Coronavirus infection can present with a range of different symptoms, such as:

  • Pneumonia like symptoms
  • Flu like symptoms
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fever
  • Cough

Note that the condition can deteriorate any time and thus don’t wait for the last moments to go to the hospital, especially if you’re in the high risk group for coronavirus infection.

Is coughing a symptoms of Covid-19?

Yes. Coughing can be a symptom of coronavirus disease. However not every sort of cough can be considered a coronavirus infection. You need to be evaluated as a whole to assess if you’re suffering from coronavirus infection or not. If you’re in high risk category for coronavirus and have other symptoms too, then you should go to the doctor and get yourself checked.

What can we eat to enhance immunity against Covid-19?

Strong immunity is the best defence against coronavirus or any other infection. Eat a balanced healthy diet. Include organic protein in your diet and avoid broiler chicken. You can read in detail about diet to boost immunity against covid-19.

Do we need to wear masks all the time?

No. Mask is only necessary in cases where:

  1. You’re diagnosed with coronavirus infection, so you need to use mask to prevent spreading the virus to other people and infecting them
  2. If you’re a health worker or otherwise surrounded by coronavirus infected people, means you’re at a very high risk of encountering coronavirus if you don’t wear a mask

Will coronavirus die in summer?

A lot of people are assuming that the intensity of covid-19 will reduce in summer. However evidence does not support that.

There is an outbreak of covid-19 in Australia too, while the temperature in Australia and many other countries is warm right now, and they’re still facing the coronavirus infection issue.

Probably very high temperatures in coming months will help in denaturing the virus, but nothing can be said for certain unless we practically see the summer effect on coronavirus.

Any more questions?

If you’ve got any more questions, please ask in the comments. Our medical doctors will reply them as soon as possible.

What are symptoms of Coronavirus infection

Patients with covid-19 infection can experience mild to severe symptoms related to respiratory system.

Common Signs & Symptoms of Covid-19

Most common signs and symptoms of covid-19 include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty in breathing / shortness of breath

The symptoms can range from common flu like symptoms to pneumonia like symptoms.

Have a look at official pamphlet by CDC for symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019:

coronavirus disease 2019 symptoms cdc gov

Who is at risk of covid-19 infection

Anyone who has a travel history to regions with high incidence of coronavirus outbreak should keep an eye on their health and disease symptoms.

If you develop any symptoms related to corona virus infection or have been in contact with someone who developed these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor and get yourself checked.

How to differentiate coronavirus from flu or pneumonia?

A lot of symptoms of covid-19 are similar to common flu or pneumonia, coz they affect the same respiratory system.

However you can differentiate the patients based on several factors, such as:

  1. Anyone who falls under high risk for coronavirus infection should be screened for coronavirus if they have any symptoms related to the disease.
  2. If the symptoms are not improving and getting worse, then the person should be evaluated for covid-19 immediately.
  3. If you’re experiencing any shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, then rush to the hospital and get tested for coronavirus.

Diet to boost immunity against CoronaVirus infection

The current coronavirus outbreak has troubled everyone around the globe. While everyone is waiting for vaccination or treatment to be released, the ideal way right now is to prevent the infection by taking safety precautions. However if you do get infected by coronavirus, then the most important thing in protecting you is your immune system.

In this post we will discuss how can we improve our immune system to fight against not coronavirus infection primarily, but also against any other such foreign bodies trying to infect us.

Diet to increase immune system efficiency against CoronaVirus

While most of the people start the list of diet from the minor ingredients, lets not forget the major ones first. Don’t get me wrong, minor ones are equally important too, however they are of no use if your body is not getting the major bulk of nutrients it needs to improve your immune system.

If we define the diet to increase your immune system in one word, then it has to be: Balanced diet. Lets see what that balanced diet is and how can we optimize it to help us against the cooronavirus infection (covid-19).

Macro Nutrients

Have your macronutrients in sufficient amounts. You should have all of these in healthy amounts on daily and regular basis:

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats

People who’re on low fat diet or low carb & high fat diet (keto diet for example). You should start taking all three macronutrients in optimum quantity, your weight loss can wait if you remain alive, as probably there’s no point in doing keto diet so that your dead body has lesser weight only.

Best sources for these macronutrients can be summarized as:

  • Carbohydrates:
    • Whole weat flour. Try to avoid refined wheat or white bread and prefer to use whole wheat bread or chapati. Note that there is a difference between bran bread and a whole wheat bread. Bran bread simply focuses on adding bran to the flour while it may or may not contain all other parts and nutrients of the whole wheat. Having whole wheat bread or roti helps you get all the nutrients that wheat has to offer.
    • You should also use other carbohydrate sources like potatoes, rice, etc. in optimum quantity
  • Proteins:
    • Proteins are the most important nutrient that help your immune system. Remember to take healthy amounts of proteins on daily basis to help your body fight against the diseases and coronavirus.
    • Sources of protein matter a lot. The broiler / white chicken is a big NO when it comes to sources of protein. Not only its protein is of low quality, white / farmi chicken also contains many harmful chemical and hormones which reduce the immunity of our body, along with many other side effects. So basically avoid eating the white broiler checked.
    • However if you eat the organic chicken meat, which was also fed on natural diet, then its protein is helpful. However not as helpful as that of meat or beef.
    • Meat and beef are much preferred sources of protein as compared to chicken, especially broiler white chicken.
  • Fats:
    • Fats are also essential for our body systems, including immune system. However the usual source of fat, the oils that we use, are not of high quality to provide all the benefits.
    • The fat is useful not just as a compound itself, but also because it contains fat soluble vitamins, when it comes from a healthy source like cattle in the form of meat or beef.
    • So the ideal fat is the one which you get from the animal too. For example if you eat beef or meat, then eat the fat in it too as a regular dish. Don’t add extra fat from the animal to your plate, but let the natural fat part of the meat which you’re eating, come to your plate.
    • Again, broiler chicken is not a good source of fat and infact harmful. As the harmful chemicals and hormones are also saved in the fat of that chicken, and thus harm the human body after consuming it and may also reduce the immunity.
    • Do include butter and cheese in your diet. Make sure it’s a butter and not margarine. Look for best brands around you which provide original butter or else try to get the desi / organic butter and cheese. Remember, do not eat margarine.
  • Water:
    • Hydrate yourself with plenty of water. Take fluids whenever you feel like.

Micro Nutrients

Micronutrients are used by many enzymes in our body and are part of many systems and pathways. They have a very important role and need to be provided in healthy quantity to the body too.

Remember that if your source of macronutrients is healthy and organic, then you will also be getting most of the micronutrients from the same source too. For example if you’re having healthy meat and fat from the cattle which grazed on organic diet, then you’ll also get fat soluble vitamins from its fat and water soluble from the muscles and other fluid part of its meat.

Supplements however, can also be used, especially when your diet is not healthy and can be deficient in the required micronutrients in sufficient quantity.

You can ask your doctor for advice about the best and optimum multivitamins available around you. Remember to go for a balanced multivitamin, not some brand which has extra quantities of the micronutrients. Remember that overuse of any micronutrient, vitamins and minerals, can also damage the body and have adverse affects.


Vegetables are not a separate category for nutrients, but I wanted to include it as many useful nutrients are in good quantity in them.

Try to get organic vegetables when you can. For example market is full of chinese vegetables too, including turmeric and garlic, etc. So try to get the local organic one when you can.

Also note that dark green leafy vegetables are rich in proteins too.

Sun exposure

Bonus: Sun exposure. Expose arms till elbows for example and sit in sun or walk for at least 10 minutes a day. This does not have to be hot sun bath. You can do it in healthy sunlight too which you can easily bear or in fact enjoy. If the weather is harsh then you can do it in breaks too. But do it on daily basis and ask all your family members to do this too, especially elders and kids.

Remember, you don’t need to burn or roast yourself in the sunlight. It has to be pleasant.

Dry fruits & Fruits

A handful of dry fruits a day and any fresh fruit of the season is an awesome addon to your balanced diet.

Summary & Example diet

To summarize, you should be using this sort of diet:

  1. Whole grain wheat
  2. Mutton or beef
  3. Natural fat, butter, cheese
  4. Green leafy vegetables
  5. Other vegetables too
  6. Balanced Multivitamin supplements
  7. Sun exposure on daily basis
  8. Fresh fruit & handful of dry fruit

Note: If you’re suffering from any disease like heart issues, diabetes, etc. then do consult your doctor to get advice on diet and follow diet prescribed by your doctor only.

Fake UNICEF guidelines for Corona circulating

A fake UNICEF issued guideline image is circulating on the internet these days. Please refrain from sharing the fake picture. The guidelines contain some wrong information too.

Unfortunately, till today, many reputable hospitals and medical setups are still using fake guidelines floating around on internet.

As an advice, always verify the data before sharing it. Also emphasise the original poster to share the link to the official site from where he got that data or image.

Fake image of UNICEF guidelines for Corona

The following image is being used:

fake unicef corona virus covid guidelines picture

lets breakdown the points in this letter and see what’s wrong with them.

The article shows that it is dated 04 march 2020. On top we can see that it’s issued for the hostel of Indian Institute of Science. Hence it’s not even displayed as UNICEF official document anyway.

Now looking at each point.

Corona virus is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason “any mask prevents its entry”

Absolutely wrong statement.

  1. Corona size is not 400-500 micro, it’s around 120 nanometers
  2. CoronaVirus is not a cell, and thus the statement is not at all appropriate
  3. So obviously, any mask can not prevent its entry

The virus does not settle in the air but is grounded, so it is “not transmitted by air”

Again wrong statement.

  1. The virus does get transmitted by air, but for a lesser distance and for lesser time
  2. The virus can also survive and transmit in droplets too

The virus remains in air for some time, depending upon many factors including environmental factors, and then settles (that too is controversial if it settles in all cases).

“Gargle with warm and salt water” kills the tonsils germs and prevents them from leaking into the lungs

This is not only incorrect, it’s also poorly formatted statement.

  1. Gargles do not kill tonsils germs as such. Tonsils are lymph nodes, and water does not get into them directly through gargles
  2. CoronaVirus is not hidden inside tonsils
  3. Corona Virus does not leak into the lungs from tonsils, it goes in directly through air we breath in or through the fluid inside our mouth
  4. Tonsils role is very less in this situation

UNICEF clarified that this notification is not issued by them

UNICEF has already clarified that this notice is not published by them. Facecheck AFP covered this issue too and confirmed that UNICEF did not publish any such guidelines for coronavirus pandemic.

AFP fact check for fake unicef corona virus covid guidelines picture

Also note that UNICEF means United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It has nothing to do with CoronaVirus directly or to give statements about such things. This sort of guidelines are given by World Health Organization (WHO).

Summary & Conclusion

The virus does not get denatured by general heat. It may require temperature up to 70 degrees to kill it, which will probably kill the human too.

Also, most of the points mentioned in this article shared by the indian institute are wrong.

Please stick to the proper guidelines and advice by the experts only, to prevent yourself and your loved ones from catching coronavirus infection (covid-19).