What are symptoms of Coronavirus infection

Patients with covid-19 infection can experience mild to severe symptoms related to respiratory system.

Common Signs & Symptoms of Covid-19

Most common signs and symptoms of covid-19 include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty in breathing / shortness of breath

The symptoms can range from common flu like symptoms to pneumonia like symptoms.

Have a look at official pamphlet by CDC for symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019:

coronavirus disease 2019 symptoms cdc gov

Who is at risk of covid-19 infection

Anyone who has a travel history to regions with high incidence of coronavirus outbreak should keep an eye on their health and disease symptoms.

If you develop any symptoms related to corona virus infection or have been in contact with someone who developed these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor and get yourself checked.

How to differentiate coronavirus from flu or pneumonia?

A lot of symptoms of covid-19 are similar to common flu or pneumonia, coz they affect the same respiratory system.

However you can differentiate the patients based on several factors, such as:

  1. Anyone who falls under high risk for coronavirus infection should be screened for coronavirus if they have any symptoms related to the disease.
  2. If the symptoms are not improving and getting worse, then the person should be evaluated for covid-19 immediately.
  3. If you’re experiencing any shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, then rush to the hospital and get tested for coronavirus.

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