coronavirus faq

CoronaVirus Covid-19 Frequently asked questions

This page lists some of the frequently asked questions related to coronavirus disease (covid-19), answered by medical doctors.

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Is there any treatment for Coronavirus covid-19?

Unfortunately No. The treatment for now is only supportive. But this doesn’t mean that once you get coronavirus you will not have any medicines to help you get rid of it. The supportive medicines help you fight the disease by dealing with the symptoms it produces and also by improving your immune system, so that it can fight against the corona virus itself in a strong way.

Some medical setups in countries around the world are using certain medicines like chloroquine, ritonavir and remdesvir, which help fight the infection too. However they are not confirmed as definitive treatment of coronavirus infection yet.

Is there any vaccine of coronavirus developed or coming soon?

Certain firms have announced development of vaccine against coronavirus infection. However they are all in testing and trial phase currently.

However we are optimistic that a vaccine will soon be released. Please note, it won’t be very soon though and may take many months to reach the market.

What are the risk factors for CoronaVirus infection Covid-19?

World health organization (WHO) has declared covid-19 as a global pandemic. Thus anyone can get infected from it. However there are certain individuals who are at higher risk of developing the disease and need more care to help them recover once they get the infection. If left untreated, the disease can result in relatively higher percentage death rate in this high risk group.

Risk factors for Covid-19 include:

  • Recent travel history to any country where the virus is prevalent
  • Patients above 40 years of age. However 60 and above are at higher risk
  • History of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension
  • History of respiratory diseases
  • Smokers

If you’re in the high risk group, and develop any symptoms related to respiratory system then you should immediately get checked for possible coronavirus infection.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

Coronavirus infection can present with a range of different symptoms, such as:

  • Pneumonia like symptoms
  • Flu like symptoms
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fever
  • Cough

Note that the condition can deteriorate any time and thus don’t wait for the last moments to go to the hospital, especially if you’re in the high risk group for coronavirus infection.

Is coughing a symptoms of Covid-19?

Yes. Coughing can be a symptom of coronavirus disease. However not every sort of cough can be considered a coronavirus infection. You need to be evaluated as a whole to assess if you’re suffering from coronavirus infection or not. If you’re in high risk category for coronavirus and have other symptoms too, then you should go to the doctor and get yourself checked.

What can we eat to enhance immunity against Covid-19?

Strong immunity is the best defence against coronavirus or any other infection. Eat a balanced healthy diet. Include organic protein in your diet and avoid broiler chicken. You can read in detail about diet to boost immunity against covid-19.

Do we need to wear masks all the time?

No. Mask is only necessary in cases where:

  1. You’re diagnosed with coronavirus infection, so you need to use mask to prevent spreading the virus to other people and infecting them
  2. If you’re a health worker or otherwise surrounded by coronavirus infected people, means you’re at a very high risk of encountering coronavirus if you don’t wear a mask

Will coronavirus die in summer?

A lot of people are assuming that the intensity of covid-19 will reduce in summer. However evidence does not support that.

There is an outbreak of covid-19 in Australia too, while the temperature in Australia and many other countries is warm right now, and they’re still facing the coronavirus infection issue.

Probably very high temperatures in coming months will help in denaturing the virus, but nothing can be said for certain unless we practically see the summer effect on coronavirus.

Any more questions?

If you’ve got any more questions, please ask in the comments. Our medical doctors will reply them as soon as possible.

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