Covid-19 High Risk group

Corona virus disease, covid-19, is a global pandemic happening right now. The data related to disease is getting mature day by day and our understanding of the disease is improving.

As of today, people with low risk are relatively safe with very low mortality rate from coronavirus infection. In fact 80 percent of low risk group patients may have only mild symptoms or have no symptoms at all.

However patients in high risk group, are well, at high risk.

Please note one thing, everyone is at risk for getting the virus into their body. However this post discusses about those people who are at higher risk of getting the disease and its complications, and possibly higher risk of death, as a result of covid-19.

High Risk patients for Covid-19

High risk patients not only have higher rate of symptoms, but also higher mortality rate due to covid-19.

People at higher risk of developing symptoms and getting complications from covid-19 include:

  • Elderly patients: 60 years or above are at very high risk. 40 and above are also at risk though but the risk jumps dramatically with 60 plus
  • Patients with pre-existing diseases: like:
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Or any other heart or lungs disease
  • Smokers
  • Health care workers
  • Or anyone who deals with public regularly, especially in close contact

High risk patients should self quarantine

It is recommended for high risk patients to self quarantine, even if they don’t have the symptoms of disease.

This is because they are at higher risk of developing severe disease once they get it.

Self quarantine should especially be ensured if anyone in your surrounding has covid-19. Obviously that person should quarantine themselves too, but the high risk group individuals around him or her should also be careful and protect themselves.

What is meant by Self Quarantine?

Self quarantine means that isolate yourself from the community and avoid any physical interaction, including shaking hands, with others.

Also keeping medicines and groceries supplies for at least a month so that they don’t have to go to market regularly for that.

Patients on regular medication should keep medical supplies and medicines of at least a month with them for sure. However those patients who don’t have regular need for medication, like asthmatics, they should also have the emergency medications including inhalers of bronchodilators, nebulisation medicines, etc. available with them for dealing with any emergency.

Steps to decrease risk of COVID-19

These steps should be taken by anyone who has covid in their community, however those at high risk should follow them more.

  • Social distancing. Minimise contact with general public. Only contact with other people or go out when absolutely necessary, when benefit outweighs the risk.
  • Wash your hands. Use gloves when you’re in risky environment. Also do wash your hands when you return from such environment. Also wash your hands before eating anything.
  • Avoid touching your face. Avoid touching your face uselessly. Especially mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Avoid physical contact. When in public, avoid shaking hands, hugging or making any unnecessary physical contact with individuals around you.

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