Most Common medical associations

Note: this post is not finalized yet, can have errors.

DOC = drug of choice.

Most common congenital heart disease is

VSD – Ventricular Septal Defect

Most common cyanotic heart disease is

TTF – Tetralogy of fallot

Most common cardiac abnormality in premature child birth is

Patent ductus arteriosus. DOC: indomethacin (or ibuprofen)

Most common cause of sub acute bacterial endocarditis

Streptococcus Viridans. DOC: penicillin or ceftriaxone

Most common cause of acute endocarditis (especially in i/v drug abusers)

Staphylococcus Aureus. DOC: vancomycin and ceftriaxone (until causative organism is identified)

Most common lobe involved in prostate cancer

Posterior lobe of prostate

Most common carcinoma of oropharynx

Squamous cell carcinoma

Most common site of entrapment of inhaled foreign body

Right main bronchus

Most common cause of pneumonia in HIV patients

Pneumocystis Carinii

Most common cause of meningitis in neonates (up to 28 days after birth)

Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae). Drug of choice: Penicillin G.

Most common cause of meningitis till end of teenage (1 months to 20 years) is

Meningiococcal (Neisseria meningitidis)

Most common cause of meningitis in adults (above 20)

Streptococcus pneumonia. Drug of choice: Penicillin. However selected third-generation cephalosporins (ie, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone) are the beta-lactams in emperic treatment too.

Most common hospital acquired meningitis

coagulase-negative staphylococci, Acinetobacter species, and Staphylococcus aureus (needs citation – not verified)

Most common cause of meningitis in HIV patients

Cryptococcus Neoformans

Most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease


Most common cause of Uterine tube abscess


PeriAortic, ParaAortic, ParaCaval & Lumbar Lymph nodes

Peri Aortic lymph nodes are also called Lumbar Lymph nodes.

The PeriAortic or Lumbar lymphnodes contain:

  • ParaAortic lymph nodes
  • ParaCaval lymph nodes

Lymphatic drainage of gonads

Gonads include both testes and ovaries.

Please read the following statements to understand the concept of lymphatic drainage of gonads.

  • Gonads drain into PeriAortic Lymph nodes
  • Gonads drain into lumbar lymph nodes
  • Left gonads (testes & ovaries) drain into ParaAortic (note, not periaortic, paraAortic is also part of peri aortic) lymph nodes
  • Right gonads (testes and ovaries) drain into ParaCaval lymph nodes (caval refers to inferior venacava)
  • The right (paracaval) and left (paraaortic) lymph nodes and lymphatic system anastomoses alot, so infection or metastasis in one can reach the other too

ParaAortic lymph nodes

Left lumbar or ParaAortic lymph nodes contain:

  • Lateral aortic lymph nodes
  • Preaortic lymph nodes
  • Postaortic lymph nodes
  • Intermediate lumbar lymph nodes

ParaCaval lymph nodes

Right lumbar or ParaCaval lymph nodes contain:

  • Lateral caval lymph nodes
  • Precaval lymph nodes
  • Postcaval lymph nodes

What are symptoms of Coronavirus infection

Patients with covid-19 infection can experience mild to severe symptoms related to respiratory system.

Common Signs & Symptoms of Covid-19

Most common signs and symptoms of covid-19 include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty in breathing / shortness of breath

The symptoms can range from common flu like symptoms to pneumonia like symptoms.

Have a look at official pamphlet by CDC for symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019:

coronavirus disease 2019 symptoms cdc gov

Who is at risk of covid-19 infection

Anyone who has a travel history to regions with high incidence of coronavirus outbreak should keep an eye on their health and disease symptoms.

If you develop any symptoms related to corona virus infection or have been in contact with someone who developed these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor and get yourself checked.

How to differentiate coronavirus from flu or pneumonia?

A lot of symptoms of covid-19 are similar to common flu or pneumonia, coz they affect the same respiratory system.

However you can differentiate the patients based on several factors, such as:

  1. Anyone who falls under high risk for coronavirus infection should be screened for coronavirus if they have any symptoms related to the disease.
  2. If the symptoms are not improving and getting worse, then the person should be evaluated for covid-19 immediately.
  3. If you’re experiencing any shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, then rush to the hospital and get tested for coronavirus.

CoronaVirus Discussion by Drs Around the world

World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 a pandemic. There are numerous cases in almost every country of the world, with some countries being massively hit by the viral outbreak.

In this post, we will try to gather the data provided by doctors around the globe through comments and include it either in this post or create a separate page for it if needed.

For doctors and medical practitioners: please share the situation in your area and what’s your understanding of the disease through comments please.

CoronaVirus in UK

Add data / info by comments.

CoronaVirus in Pakistan

Add data / info by comments.

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  • Career advise and guidance for doctors and medical professionals who want to know:
    • How to prepare for various exams in their field
    • Exams required to move to a certain country and how to prepare for them
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