Welcome to MedicalOdyssey

Welcome to Medical Odyssey. Stay tuned for our upcoming posts and material.

Who are we?

MedicalOdyssey.org is an effort by medical professionals from across the globe to help each other in their career progression. Our team includes Medical Doctors and other health professionals from Almost every continent of the world.

If you want to contribute any content (articles, research) for the community, please register on the site and create an article.

Who can submit content to this website?

If you’re a qualified medical profession, then you can submit an article on any topic that you would like.

Please note that the article should be unique and not plagiarised.

Also, make sure that the word count of the article is between 500 to 2000 words. If it’s different, then please discuss with us before submitting.

Once submitted, our editorial team will review your content and publish it when it’s ready!

What is the main focus of this website?

The website focuses on these main parts:

  • Career advise and guidance for doctors and medical professionals who want to know:
    • How to prepare for various exams in their field
    • Exams required to move to a certain country and how to prepare for them
  • Provide content related to medical education, especially clearing controversies in education as well as in treatment protocols
  • Provide mentoring from those who have achieved something to those who are still trying to achieve it
  • Provide a platform for research sharing and publications in relevant field.

You can always contact us if you have any query.

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